Sunday, July 19, 2009

Blog Assignment.

Create a new blog for this assignment. No personal blog allowed. Which also means, use proper English.

You can create a new blog with blogger, wordpress or other free blog publishing tool.

This blog will serve as your reflective journal or daily progress report. Document your thoughts, problems faced with assignments, resolutions to the problems, new discoveries or anything that is related to Digital Media in the blog.

Link your Facebook and Twitter to your Blog.

Tweet, including a link to your blog post each time you make a new entry. That also means once you have created your new blog, tweet to let your classmates know your blog's url.

Throughout the block, read and comment on your peers' blog posts. Offer feedback, ask questions, add new ideas.

Eg. you are encouraged to leave brief comments like "nice project!" or "more photos!" or "luv the links!" Ask a question that you are generally curious about. Suggest a connection between the blog post you are commenting on and a blog post of your own and/or a blog post from another classmate. Give feedback, start a conversation, get some dialogue going.

The Blog will be evaluated at the end of the block.

Yea so this is my assignment 3 i know i lagged. Haha. But yea so what i am doing now and what i have been doing are my assignment! So to enhance this blog, I added in twitter, added chatbox, changed the background, changed the blog title, changed the colour of the fonts. Yea. Will update more often now. Considering its the last week haha. Oops :X


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