Sunday, July 26, 2009

Video Assignment.

Assignment Brief:

Create a 30sec promo video for your Facebook Group/ Event/ Cause.

It must be strictly 30sec. Not more, not less.

So this is the video i came up with for my facebook group.

Illustrator logo assignments.

Assignments Brief:

Create a Logo using Illustrator.

Utilize the tools (eg. Shape Tool, Pathfinder, Transform) used in Day 8 class exercises to create your logo.

Your Logo should represent the Group / Event / Cause that you have created for Facebook.

You may include type if you desire.

When completed, upload your Logo on your Blog

Yup this is my final logo. Using simple lines and shape. At first glance plp will know its a ice cream cone with a portion bite/chipped off. Since ben and jerry's target really young ppl, i've made the cone colourful.

Audio podcast assignment.

Assignment Brief:

Create an audio podcast that promotes your Facebook Group, Event or Cause. It should be between 30sec to 1min in length.

Your audio podcast should have at least 3 distinctly different types of audio. Eg. vocal recording, music, sound effects. This should not be too difficult as you probably know by now that Soundbooth allows you to easily change the quality of a sound. With a simple change of pitch and timing, a deep sultry voice can be transformed into a cartoonish voice.

Think of it as a radio spot or radio commercial. Jingle, radio drama, endorsements by people etc. Be creative!

Mixdown to mp3 and upload through zshare and link to your blog and facebook.

So this is the audio podcast assignment i have made.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Google Map Assignment.

Assignment Brief:

So far, you have created 'something' using Facebook to generate buzz. You have used Twitter as an instant communication tool. You will also have a blog to track your progress and document your reflections.

Now, using Google Maps, create a personalized map that works with your 'something' from the Facebook assignment.

If your 'something' is an event, your map can simply be on the venue of the event, with interesting details added to it.

If your 'something' is a group, eg a tribute to Michael Jackson, then your map could be on his Neverland or venues where he had concerts or his last journey from his rented home to the hospital.

The final google map is due end of the block. But start working on your map now. You can always edit, add more info and enhance your map as we move along.

Here is the map i've done. It's basically the location of most Ben & Jerry's main outlets in singapore and its headquarters in Singapore.

This assignment took me quite sometime cause i really sucks at reading maps. But well after a long along time of exploring its actually quite easy to use. I located the Ben & Jerry's outlets and the mrt stations quite easily.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Image editing Assignment.

Assignment Brief:

You have created a Facebook Group / Event / Cause.

Assuming you are the appointed famous spokesperson for the group / event / cause, create a profile picture for your Facebook group / event/ cause and upload it. Think of it like a self-portrait. It can be abstract or realistic.

Yeap thats wat i have finalised on for this assignment. I first find a background den i cropped out my picture and replace it in the middle! Den i forget what i did haha. Den i plastic wrap it. Yea so it seems like there's texture on the plastic cover.

This assignment was quite difficult considering i had nvr really use photoshop before. But well through the tutorials and all i learnt abit here and there.

To be continue 2. haha go check it out before i make an official post on it!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Blog Assignment.

Create a new blog for this assignment. No personal blog allowed. Which also means, use proper English.

You can create a new blog with blogger, wordpress or other free blog publishing tool.

This blog will serve as your reflective journal or daily progress report. Document your thoughts, problems faced with assignments, resolutions to the problems, new discoveries or anything that is related to Digital Media in the blog.

Link your Facebook and Twitter to your Blog.

Tweet, including a link to your blog post each time you make a new entry. That also means once you have created your new blog, tweet to let your classmates know your blog's url.

Throughout the block, read and comment on your peers' blog posts. Offer feedback, ask questions, add new ideas.

Eg. you are encouraged to leave brief comments like "nice project!" or "more photos!" or "luv the links!" Ask a question that you are generally curious about. Suggest a connection between the blog post you are commenting on and a blog post of your own and/or a blog post from another classmate. Give feedback, start a conversation, get some dialogue going.

The Blog will be evaluated at the end of the block.

Yea so this is my assignment 3 i know i lagged. Haha. But yea so what i am doing now and what i have been doing are my assignment! So to enhance this blog, I added in twitter, added chatbox, changed the background, changed the blog title, changed the colour of the fonts. Yea. Will update more often now. Considering its the last week haha. Oops :X

Sunday, July 12, 2009

To be Continue.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Creating interesting type!

This is something i have done today using illustrator! Haha. It's really fun when u get the hang of it! Yea it took me quite sometime to make this since im starting from scratch learning and doing it at the same time. Overall result was better than expected! It took me quite long to figure out how to use a pen tool. Haha after 1 hour plus finally im able to using and make decent subtle highlights. Haha im happy with this!!! Sadly its not graded :( Haha.


Okay now we are heading into programmes like photoshop and illustrator. Its quite late now shall just post some pictures of things i've done so far.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Twitter Assignment

I know it's abit lag but here is my second assignment!

Assignment brief:

Open a free twitter account, build a profile with your real name, and find and follow all members of digital media production class, including me. Use this account for class purposes only.

Use Twitter Help page for support.

Through Twitter search, find people who tweet about some of the topics or issues discussed in class so far. Follow who you want but certainly follow people who use digital media smartly and creatively. Be mindful of who and how many you follow. More is not better!

Compose at least one thick tweet.

Compose at least one aeoiu tweet.

Demo your work (3-5 minutes) in class on Thursday, July 2.

Your demo must include:

a) addressing one element of your profile

b) the way and ways you access twitter

c) a person or persons you added via your twitter search (other than classmates)

d) your thick tweet

e) your aeiou tweet.


Started off in class trying to Google the meaning of tinyurl, thick tweet and the other tweets.

So shall try and "show off" my twitter skill haha.

This is thin tweet!

These are thick tweets!

Still figuring out AEIOU tweets. Haha.

But nonetheless, I have learnt alot about twitter through this assignment.
I have found many ways to access to twitter
1. Web
2. Sms
-From phone. (
3. Twittter fox
-An add-on for firefox.
4. Tweet Deck
-An application where you can post ur tweets on serveral accounts at one go. Tweet deck is very useful when u want to manage a few accounts together. Not only can you post up tweets and check updates there, you can actually actually shorten your URL there to fit into the 140 character. Instead of going to to shorten, this all-in-one application make life much easier.
and a few other ways which i haven't discover.

I have found afew ways to search for topics or people to follow on twitter. Twitter search on Google is a good way. Twubble is another twitter extension it works just as well.

I have learnt the most powerful purpose/use for twitter is to make an announcement where the whole world can see.

Basically, i have discovered twitter to be quite an useful communicating tool just dont understand why it limits to just 140 CHARACTERS! Really looking forward to more activities on twitter! You guys can follow me on @shipenglor or @ahhhpeng (my personal one).

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Facebook assignment!

Had my first assignment on Monday.

It's quite interesting considering having facebook as your assignment!

Assignment brief:

Using Facebook as the platform,

you are to generate a buzz on something.

The 'something' could be anything that you care about. It can be real or imaginary.

Eg. If you are a huge fan of Michael Jackson and are greatly affected by his death, you could create a group or page as a tribute to him.

How you generate the buzz through Facebook is entirely up to you.

Eg. create an event, create a new group, create a cause or create a page.

You should consider the various ways available and their effectiveness, as well as how they will work for you.

The success of your assignment will also depend on how much hits or responses your 'something' received. In other words, you need to create something, and you also need to spread the word out and attract interest.

This assignment is due on Mon, July 6.

We will show some or all of your works in class, depending on time available.

It took me quite sometime to figure out a group which can create a buzz on facebook. Eventually i settled on a group named "More Ben & Jerry's free cone day(S)!" Basically it is a petition to Ben & Jerry's to make more free cone day! I choose this because i think it will target the age group of the people in my friend list. I noticed Ben & Jerry's free cone day mainly attracts students.Not only so, free cone day is an event where Ben & Jerry's organised worldwide! Therefore it is well known. When i create this group i won't expect it to be stranger to anyone. So i think it's just right for me to create this group not to general but focused on a certain target audience.

The Page i created includes a picture which make it seems really like i want to start a petition on having more free cone day. Followed by a quirky and attractive description. I then decided to create a buzz i need to get people to start talking so i created a discussion topic. A place where they can share their favorite B&J's ice cream flavour. Here are some sneak preview of the page.

Since creating the group on 30th July 09, the number of members has been rising tremendously. In just 3-4 days, until 3rd July, around 1 am, the group has up to 220 members. Of course this is mainly because of me publicizing it in my personal blog and also mass inviting friends on my facebook list. Something more surprising is that there are even some members which are not in my friends list nor in my mutual friends list. Some are even from overseas! Thats a good point about the group i had created. It seems like my plan of targeting the youth with this group with a famous brand and a well known event throughout the world works. However, i failed in the part of getting people to talk. I'm still thinking of a way to get peple to talk and to upload more info up the group. Just stay tune and continue to support my group by inviting your friends to join and to comment!